Donald Trump is onto Evan McMullin, his conservative opponent mounting a strong Independent bid in Utah.
The former CIA agent is polling ahead of Trump as well as Hillary Clinton in the unexpected battleground state that hasn’t voted for anyone but a Republican since 1964. And Donald Trump has noticed.
In an interview on Fox News with Bret Baier, Trump finally let the world know how he feels about McMullin, noting that he’s a “puppet” of Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol.
“I love the people of Utah. I have great relationships in Utah,” Trump said. “But you have a guy named Bill Kristol who’s called it wrong for two years. He’s a loser. He’s called me wrong. He’s called everything wrong. He’s called the wars wrong. Everything he does is wrong. He gets his puppet to go and run in Utah. The guy takes votes away from me.”
Trump continued, “He’s going from coffee shop to coffee shop. It’s a full-time thing. He can’t do anything. But he hurts us in Utah.”