I’ll be the first to admit it — after watching Donald Jr.’s speech on Tuesday night, it’s clear we nominated the wrong Trump.
Establishment and #NeverTrump Republicans have been hopeful that the GOP nominee will lose in November so they can swoop in and take their party back, returning it to Bush-ism and casting out Trump’s populist narrative. The speech delivered on Tuesday by his son showed that his movement isn’t going anywhere and has successors in Donald Jr. and Ivanka.
The nominee’s son delivered a powerful, emotional, and — most importantly — coherent and conservative message during his speech, one that Trump supporters have wished he would make throughout the campaign.
“We’ve lost the confidence in our leaders and the faith in our institutions, but remember one thing. We’re still Americans, we’re still one country, and we’re going to get it all back,” Donald Jr. said.
The Republican nominee’s son laid the platform of his dad’s nationalist conservative movement: reducing legal immigration to benefit low-skilled Americans, enforcing the law against unauthorized immigrants, school choice, overturning Dodd-Frank and reinstating Glass-Steagall, supporting gun ownership, and no more military adventurism.