The announcement that the State Department may eliminate the promotion of justice and democracy from its mission has the potential for devastating consequences around the world. It would signal a dramatic shift in America's role in the international community.
The promotion of justice and democracy has long been a vital hallmark of U.S. foreign policy. These ideals are the guideposts for the innumerable initiatives the U.S. has undertaken to ensure human dignity, promote the rule of law, increase individuals' access to justice, and protect the free exercise of basic rights on a global scale.
Language matters. The proposed omission of "just" and "democracy" from the State Department's mission statement would communicate that the U.S. is solely interested in advancing its own economic interests, without reference to or possibly even at the expense of human rights, justice, and democratic values. Indeed, such single-minded ambitions could corrupt American moral authority, subvert vital diplomatic tools, and potentially fly in the face of international law.
This will be particularly vexing to our NATO partners and allies, predominantly in our interactions in conflict-ridden and post-conflict states from which international threats often arise. Furthermore, the shift in mission will serve to embolden authoritarian regimes, which will be free of the exertion of U.S. diplomatic, financial, and other intervention when they oppress their people or act with aggression on the international stage.
The espousal of democracy, justice, and human rights is critical to national security interests. Healthy democracies with the rule of law and entrenched protections of human rights help prevent extremist and other violent elements from filling governance vacuums, through which they impose and spread their oppressive ideologies. The more just democracies that exist in the world, the more allies and trading partners the U.S. will have. The more stable, economically empowered states, the more secure and prosperous the world will be.