Dems prove sore losers

Who said the Democratic Party is out of ideas? After failing to raise any significant money with the wall-to-wall hysterical coverage networks like CNN have afforded Dems, they are moving their efforts over to Court TV.

And so the Democratic National Committee on Friday sued President Trump’s campaign, Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, the Russian Federation, Wikileaks and others. The gist of the action is that Team Trump had worked with dark cronies like Russian oligarchs, WikiLeaks, Cambridge Analytica, et al. to steal the election.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez called it an “act of unprecedented treachery.”

That this move by Perez and the DNC is an act of unprecedented poor sportsmanship is unquestionable. It’s no different than when a child angrily hits the “reset” button on a video game when he’s getting unmercifully beaten by his opponent.

You’d think adults would be embarrassed by this kind of maneuver, but since the election we’ve come to expect such huffy tantrums with even the party’s standard bearer herself unable to take responsibility for the historic election loss.
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