Dems’ attacks on Comey “a distraction” from Hillary emails

The Democrats seem to be all-in on going after FBI Director James Comey for the latest revelation about Hillary Clinton’s email server. Comey sent a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee notifying them that the agency was looking into Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s laptop after they discovered that approximately 650,000 emails were downloaded onto her computer.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid admonished Comey suggesting that he may have violated federal law, via the Hatch Act, and influenced the electoral process by sending the letter less than two weeks before the election.

Red Alert’s Assistant Editor Siraj Hashmi went on RT on Monday night with Ed Schultz to discuss the latest developments and this change in Democratic strategy.

“It’s a distraction,” Hashmi told Schultz. “They’re going after Comey because they want to take away the idea that Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy.”

He continued, “Donald Trump, he has a winning hand right now, and I think with James Comey releasing this letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee gives Hillary Clinton probably just enough time to try to get in one last blow.”
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