Democrats are hoping to capitalize on the anti-Trump excitement in their base by staging a coordinated "Summer of Resistance" across the country that's aimed at countering the agenda of President Trump and the GOP-led Congress.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi kicked off the effort Wednesday at a rally in Dallas, where she told attendees Democrats would work to stop the GOP agenda and Trump.
Rep. Marc Veasey, D-Texas, told the crowd, "You have to take a stand now," and "Now is the time to help make a difference. There are so many things you can do."
Democratic activists have been working almost since Trump's election to coordinate opposition to the Republican agenda, which is focused primarily on overhauling the tax code and repealing and replacing Obamacare.
Democrats have already made an impact with earlier efforts. They coordinated rallies this year to oppose a House bill to repeal and replace Obamacare, and the well-attended events helped motivate thousands of people to flood the Capitol switchboards. It scared enough Republicans to help sink the bill, although a second and more conservative version passed a few weeks later.