David Clarke turns ‘fake news’ outrage on its head

Of the many excuses that liberals like to make about why Hillary Clinton lost the election, fake news has to be one of the silliest.

In the weeks following Donald Trump’s victory, the mainstream media has been crying foul to the American public about the impact that fake news has had in shaping our perception of the world.

That was until Sheriff David Clarke held up a mirror and told the mainstream media to take a good hard look through this tweet.

In case you don’t recall, back in 2014, the town of Ferguson, Missouri erupted after 18-year-old Michael Brown was shot and killed by police officer Darren Wilson. The protests and ensuing riots helped usher in the Black Lives Matter movement. However, the biggest narrative that the mainstream media pushed as fact was that Brown was on his knees, with his hands up in the air, begging Wilson not to shoot him. It produced the catchphrase chant “hands up, don’t shoot.”

That was a lie.
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