"Cultural appropriation" has become the latest evil denounced by soi-disant Social Justice Warriors, on campus and off. Examples:
"I was taught that white people shouldn't listen to rap music because it's cultural appropriation and could be offensive to my classmates," writes Pomona College student Steven Glick in the Washington Post.
Young women wearing bindis (Hindu forehead adornments) and feathered headdresses at the Coachella Festival should be ashamed: that's cultural appropriation, declares Teen Vogue.
Yoga, as you may be relieved to learn from the Huffington Post, is not necessarily cultural appropriation. "But it's complicated," the writer adds. "It is really important to honor and appreciate where a practice comes from, or we risk appropriating it." Got that? Really important.
Sometimes individuals take it into their own hands to punish cultural appropriation, like the Hampshire College student who interrupted a women's basketball game to insist that a Central Maine College player remove the braids from her hair.