Democrats are going to spend the next four years as if their job is to #Resist President Trump in all he does. That's a shame (and shame on them) but it doesn't mean Republicans should spend the next four years asking, "how high?" when Trump says "Jump!"
Republicans need to use their control of both chambers and the White House to restore the old-fashioned and essential idea that Congress should provide thorough oversight of the executive branch. Robust oversight would be good not only for the country as a whole, but for the GOP and the president himself.
Trump and his closest advisers, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway, are new to governance. His Cabinet picks have less governing experience than many previous Cabinets. The Trump administration will need as much help as it can get, improving legislation, sharpening their joint agenda to improve the lives of the people and Congress can provide that help in the form of oversight.
In addition to passing laws, Congress's duties include checking in on the executive branch. How are they spending the taxpayers' money? How are they complying with mandates? What are their quality-control processes?
Different committees have oversight over different agencies, and oversight is supposed to be an around-the-clock, serious job.