Clinton blasts Sanders' 'artful smear' on Wall Street ties

After weeks of insisting that they were not attacking one another, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders took the gloves off for their first one-on-one debate as they sparred on who would be the more progressive president.

Asked about his claim that the former secretary of state is a progressive only on "some days," Sanders pointed to Clinton's prior claim that she is "guilty" or being a "moderate."

"If I could, you know, in the very first debate I was asked am I a moderate or a progressive and I said I'm a progressive who likes to get things done. Cherry picking a quote here or there doesn't change my record." Clinton insisted.

She added, "Look, I understand Senator Sanders is really trying to distinguish himself. I understand that, that's what you do in campaigns, but at the same time let's not be — in, I think an unfair way, making an accusation, or making an attack about where I stand and about where I've always stood."

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