Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will announce a proposal allowing individuals who are paying off student loans a three-month intermission so they can restructure their debt, the Washington Post reported.
“Wednesday’s policy rollout is a direct overture to Bernie Sanders, the Vermont senator who posed a serious threat to Clinton in the Democratic primary and is yet to endorse her in the general election,” the Post noted. “A Clinton campaign fact sheet announcing the new proposals was laced with multiple references to Sanders and his calls for addressing college affordability.”
Sanders communicated his plans for free tuition at state colleges and universities and refinancing of student loans throughout his campaign, while Clinton argued students should still have to pay for their tuition, but graduate debt-free.
“We should have debt-free college if you go to a public college or university,” Clinton said in November. “I disagree with free college for everybody. I don’t think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trump’s kids to college.”
Now, she has reconsidered Sanders’s proposal and shifted her stance.