Clarence Thomas: Secret hero for millennials

In light of the 25th anniversary of Justice Clarence Thomas’ nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court, Red Alert Politics participated in a teleforum call with The Federalist Society to find out how the justice appeals to millennials.

The call featured C. Boyden Gray of Boyden Gray & Associates; Gregory G. Katsas, who clerked during Thomas’s first year from 1991-1992; Professor John C. Yoo of the University of California Berkeley School of Law, who clerked 1994-1995; and Carrie Severino, who clerked 2007-2008.

Yoo spoke to his experience with millennials in the classroom, whom he says are “skeptical of government regulation.”

He specifically mentioned Airbnb and Uber, which was forced out of Austin due to regulations.

Of all the justices on the Court, “I think he would be the first one to vote against the idea that the government can ban Uber as the city of Austin has, or put taxes on Airbnb, or put all kinds of crazy licensing requirements on what occupations you’re allowed to pursue,” Yoo said.
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