California chooses illegal immigrants over American students: Sanctuary campuses and lower tuition

The University of California (UC) system is known as one of the best education programs in the world. Along with that designation comes one massive undertaking: deciding who to admit vs. who to decline. Part of that decision process involves the acceptance of illegal immigrants.

Let me back up, though.

I was born and raised in Southern California, right on the front lines of America’s illegal immigration problem. I’m from the Inland Empire, which has made a name for itself for its dry heat, the hard hit recession and more recently, the San Bernardino terrorist attacks.

My whole life I saw the effects of illegal immigration: the drop in wages, poverty and an overall cultural difference from the rest of the country.

When it was time to apply for college, I made the conscious effort to apply out-of-state. I didn’t waste my time applying for any in-state schools. After all, it was cheaper for me to go out-of-state than attend a California university. Tuition was rising 30 to 35 percent every year, making California’s higher education impossible for me to afford.
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