Bret Baier forces Dems to debate abortion

Fox News' Bret Baier is the first media personality in the 2016 Democratic election cycle to question the Democratic presidential candidates in either a town hall or debate setting on their support for controversial abortion procedures.

There have been seven Democratic debates, including one this past Sunday, and not a single moderator has asked Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton or Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to explain their opposition to legislation banning partial-birth abortion and abortive procedures performed after 20 weeks of pregnancy, even though a majority of voters support restrictions in both cases.

Prior to this week, there have also been multiple Democratic town hall events. But, again, neither Clinton nor Sanders were asked at those events about their respective positions on abortion.

Then, on Monday, Baier broke the Democratic streak and queried both of the candidates on the issue.

"Can you name a single circumstance at any point in a pregnancy in which you would be okay with abortion being illegal?" Baier asked Sanders.
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