Brander-in-chief: Will Trump exceed expectations with millennials?

The likely match-up between presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton isn’t one that leaves young voters with a good taste in their mouth. Conservative author and columnist Kristin Tate thinks that Trump may be able to exceed his low expectations with the demographic, however.

This may include young voters who don’t normally vote Republican. Trump has already discussed his plan on appealing to Bernie Sanders supporters and his cross-over appeal.

As Tate noted:

Politics is a lot about branding, especially when it comes to young people. Young people want to embrace a brand that’s compassionate and cool and hip and, of course, the media has beat up on Trump and the other Republicans, relentlessly called them bigots, called them cold-hearted. That’s going to be a big challenge for Trump moving into this election. I think he’ll come out swinging and I think people are going to be surprised with how successful he will be with the youth demographic. I’m not saying he’ll capture the youth vote or anything but I think he’ll exceed expectations.

Tate also called on the Republican Party to unify in order to defeat Hillary, particularly since “2016 should be an easy win for Republicans.” And, Tate doubts her ability to win over key demographics. “Hillary is a weak candidate. I don’t think she’ll mobilize women and minorities and young people the way Obama did and this is really the Republicans election to lose,” she continued.
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