Anti-Trump SJW claims credit for NYC bomb, rants against GOP

A social justice warrior has claimed responsibility for the bombing in the New York City neighborhood of Chelsea on Saturday night.

CBS News has reported that federal investigators are looking into a Tumblr account called “NY bomber” where a social justice warrior claims to have laid the bombs to fight the oppression inflicted by white men on LGBTQ+ people.

“You probably have all seen the news by now, the explosives detonated in New York City; that was me. Those were just some tests; I know where I have made errors, and I will not make the same mistake next time,” a post said.

The post’s author then went on a tirade against straight white men, police officers, and Donald Trump.

“I cannot live in a world where homosexuals like myself as well as the rest of the LGBTQ+ community are looked down upon by society,” the post continued. “It is 2016 and we are still being viewed as mentally ill, sinners, attention seekers, and just plain weirdos in general. I am not going to stand by while under classed and underprivileged people are oppressed. I am not going to stand by while there is inequality in my country such as the racism being seen in white police officers all over the country. I am not going to live in a country where it is OK to have a misogynist, xenophobic, racist Islamophobic, republican candidate running for President of The United States! That’s implying that republicans in general should even be taken seriously as they are all cisgendered privileged white people.”
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