After Tulsa: Time for GOP to champion police reforms

It’s possible for Republicans and conservatives to both defend America’s law enforcement community and to champion law enforcement reforms — and it needs to happen now. It needed to happen years ago.

The most recent shooting in Tulsa, Okla., taken at face value without full facts, appears to be an obvious case of police brutality; an officer shot an unarmed black man named Terence Crutcher. He actually had his hands up and was shot for little explainable reason. Crutcher was a father of four traveling home from class. The video is tough to watch.

We don’t have to go through the rather long list of recent cases when unarmed Americans have been killed to realize something needs to change. Now, many point out that in some of the most prominent cases, the facts haven’t matched the social media narrative. This isn’t likely to be the case in Tulsa, and it certainly hasn’t been true overall. It’s actually sadly ironic that Tulsa hasn’t gotten nearly the same amount of attention as other shootings.

The point is, you don’t have to agree with everything the #BlackLivesMatter movement says or does to believe that we need reform. Now, what does reform mean?

Here are a few ideas to start:
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