15% swing among millennials boosts Trump

In just one week, millennial support for Hillary Clinton has fallen significantly and support has risen for Donald Trump — in one of polls that is usually more favorable to Clinton.

Last week, a YouGov/Economist poll showed Trump was losing badly to Clinton among voters under age 30. Clinton had 49 percent of the youth vote, Trump had just 17 percent, Gary Johnson had 7 percent, and Jill Stein had 9 percent.

In their latest poll after the RNC, Trump is up 9 percent with young voters and Clinton is down 6 percent from the previous week, a 15 percent swing.

Clinton has 43 percent, Trump has 26 percent, Johnson has 9 percent, and Stein has 8 percent.

Earlier in the week, a CNN poll showed Trump leading by 5 percent overall and winning 11 percent of former Bernie Sanders supporters. Trump’s post-convention bump may be tied to this millennial swing.
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