1-in-5 millennial Sanders voters will support Trump over Clinton, 57% are #NeverHillary

Despite the Democratic primary coming to a close, millennials supporting Bernie Sanders aren’t ready to throw in the towel and support Hillary Clinton.

A minority of Gen-Y Sanders supporters plan to vote for Clinton in the fall, and nearly one-in-five will support Trump instead, according to an Economist/YouGov poll released on Monday.

Only 43 percent of millennials who backed the Vermont Senator in the Democratic primary plan on supporting Clinton if she’s the nominee. Thirty-two percent said they will support a third-party candidate such as Libertarian Gary Johnson or Green Jill Stein, and 18 percent said they will be voting for Trump.

Voters under 30 who supported Sanders are the least loyal to the Democratic party and the most ideologically strident, refusing to vote for “the lesser of two evils.”

A slim majority of Gen-Xers and baby boomers who supported Sanders said they will vote for Clinton in the fall, 52 percent and 55 percent respectively.
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