
Current News

Make America Great Again: Don't Cut Taxes

Why are we trying to cut taxes while the economy is near full-employment?...  Read more

The Supreme Court's 5 most contentious cases and how experts think they'll rule

The Supreme Court's term, which starts Monday, is loaded with blockbuster challenges...  Read more

Tom Price's private flight reimbursement may not save him from Trump's wrath

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has promised to reimburse the federal government for the costs of chartering expensive private jets, a face-saving move that is unlikely to satisfy President Trump's desire to make an example out of him...  Read more

Be careful, Republicans, not to hike taxes on middle-class families

The public will judge this bill, Trump advisor Gary Cohn said, on "How much do they get to keep? How much do goes in their pocket versus how much goes to the government?" Cohn is right. So, Congress needs to get the details just right...  Read more

A look at Trump's history with Playboy and the late Hugh Hefner

President Trump has some history with the late Hugh Hefner and the Playboy empire he left behind...  Read more

Mitch McConnell, Albatross

The Senate majority leader can't get Republicans elected...  Read more

Deep-pocketed Republican group ready to battle Obama and Holder over redistricting control

The National Republican Redistricting Trust was formed as a counterweight to the new Democratic group backed by former President Barack Obama and supervised by former Attorney General Eric Holder...  Read more

Are Trump's cultural victories over the Left helping his agenda?

The majority may not agree with Trump's insult of the players and their mothers last Friday, and 57 percent do not think the players should be fired, as Trump has advocated...  Read more

When 'Trumpism' trumps Trump

Those contests will help test whether Trumpism really needs Trump to survive...  Read more

Marco Rubio re-engages in national politics with plans to boost 2018 Republicans

Sen. Marco Rubio is re-engaging in national politics more than a year after President Trump chased him from the 2016 contest, with carefully calibrated plans to assist Republicans running in the midterm...  Read more

Health insurers face key Obamacare deadline Wednesday

Insurers are facing a Sept. 27 deadline to sign contracts with states for how much Obamacare health plans will cost...  Read more

Trump Goes for Tax Reform, Take 2

The president re-starts his tax reform push. But Republicans won't say exactly what's going to be in the bill yet...  Read more

Go Home America, You're Drunk

The realities of politics versus the stories we tell ourselves...  Read more

How to Make Peace Over Trump and the NFL Kneelers

If you were in the NFL, would you take a knee? Or stand up and sing?...  Read more

Trump echoes Tom Cotton as immigration position questions mount

The wall is coming, Trump vowed. But, he added, "You don't need it all the way."...  Read more

Collins Appears to Kill Health Bill After Graham and Cassidy Defend It

A rowdy hearing precedes the pivotal third Republican to be 'no' on the last-ditch health reform plan...  Read more

The Senate's $1.5 trillion tax cut is not what it seems

"There will be numbers of us, I would think, that would not want to vote for something that they viewed as going to increase the deficit," said Corker, a self-styled fiscal conservative...  Read more

A healthcare reform journey, like other journeys, starts with the first step

If Republicans insist that their choice is either total repeal or nothing, they will get nothing...  Read more