
Current News

The Republican Party is a broken marriage

We have already seen, firsthand, the failure to communicate in the GOP. Many Republican officeholders are unable to offer even modest, constructive criticism of their new partner, President Trump...  Read more

With Flake Leaving, Trump 'Feels Like America Is Winning'

The upcoming retirements of Bob Corker and now Jeff Flake from the United States Senate will be helpful to President Donald Trump if his supporters get what they hope for...  Read more

Don't Cut Taxes—Reform Them

Trump and the Republicans should be focused less on cutting taxes than fixing the tax system itself...  Read more

Exit Flake

A conservative bows out...  Read more

Congress AWOL in the War on Terror

Why were U.S. troops in Niger on Oct. 4, the day four Green Berets were killed in an ambush by a much larger enemy force?...  Read more

Republican establishment opens its doors to Steve Bannon

The Republican establishment that Steve Bannon is agitating to overthrow is welcoming the nationalist firebrand through the front door to pitch his rebellion to the party faithful...  Read more

Trump Awards the Medal of Honor to Captain Gary Michael Rose

Two days after an uneventful and friendly conference call with the Republican House conference, Donald Trump will attend the Senate GOP’s weekly policy lunch meeting...  Read more

House to Vote on Sanctions Against Hezbollah, Iran

The moves are in line with the president's vow to crack down on the Islamic Republic's non-nuclear malign activities...  Read more

Trump, Emoluments, and the Professoriate

The president's financial assets are fair game for criticism, but this argument is weak...  Read more

Americans push their kids harder in sports than school

Parents often push their children really hard when it comes to athletics; the same cannot be always be said with respect to academics...  Read more

Taking Trump-Skepticism Seriously

The view from outside Trump Country is very different than the view inside it...  Read more

Trump administration scrambles to save largest coal plant in the West

The Trump administration has until December to save the largest coal-fired power plant in the West, but the prospects for the plant burning coal after 2019 are questionable...  Read more

White House signals flexibility on tax bill as Congress gets to work

President Trump and Republicans are desperate for a legislative victory. The exact terms of victory are not as important...  Read more

Steve Bannon's war on the Republican Party will go on with or without Trump's blessing

Many Republicans are still wondering why the nationalist firebrand wants to challenge GOP senators like John Barrasso of Wyoming or Roger Wicker of Mississippi, both of whom voted with the president more than 95 percent of the time...  Read more

'The Amazon Race'—Where CNBC Meets 'The Bachelor'

The battle for the online giant's 'HQ2' is playing out like a reality show...  Read more

What Does Trump Really Think About the Alexander-Murray Bailout?

The politics of Obamacare are harder than they look...  Read more

Trump: Budget passage allows for 'large scale tax cuts'

President Trump said the Senate passed the budget with a 51-49 vote, which will allow for "large scale tax cuts" and tax reform. Republicans hope to pass the tax reform bill by end of the year...  Read more

Trump's counterpunching can be counterproductive

White House chief of staff John Kelly explained in an emotional briefing Thursday that he advised Trump to praise a fallen soldier's bravery when calling the soldier's family...  Read more