Unhappy Bernie voters’ new home is Green Party’s Jill Stein

Just like Yoda told Obi-wan Kenobi that Luke Skywalker wasn’t their last hope — “there is another” — Green Party candidate Jill Stein is saying the same to millennials who supported Bernie Sanders.

Mic reported that Stein is trying to make her case to members of Gen Y who “feel the Bern” that they can still take over national politics by supporting her instead of Hillary Clinton.

Campaigning on Bernie-friendly issues like student debt reform, Stein is hoping a large chunk of the 43 million voting age millennials rebuke the “corporatist,” “imperialist” machine she thinks the Democratic Party has become.

Stein, like many Sanders supporters, insists that the Democratic Party rigged the system against him because of superdelegates, closed primaries, and holding debates on nights that few people had the chance to watch.

“What we’re seeing here in the sabotage of Bernie’s campaign by the Democratic National Committee [is] the reality [that] it’s very hard to have a revolutionary campaign inside a counter-revolutionary party,” Stein said in an interview to Mic.
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